What Is True Financial Freedom

The vast majority of humans are convinced that having more money will bring them freedom:

Freedom to do what they want, freedom to buy what they want, freedom to not have to worry.

And sadly, many of them will go to any length to try to get it.  

However, for as long as you believe that financial freedom comes from money, you will feel financially concerned and hungry for more, no matter how much you earn.

Now don't get me wrong:

Yes, having more money does mean there are more choices available for you to spend on, and yes it may SEEM as though having more money puts you at ease. 

However, having more choices available for you to spend on doesn't automatically equate to freedom, and as you may have already noticed, that sense of concern doesn't really go away even when you're earning more than ever before.

I have coached people earning multiple six-figures who despite the amount they were earning, were not financially free.

The reason why they were not truly free is because they were afraid.

Afraid of failing...

Afraid of losing it all...

Afraid of it not being enough...

Afraid of having too much...

So even though they had plenty of money, they still felt worried and unable to do what they truly wanted with their time.

True financial freedom is freedom from fear.

And that freedom from fear comes - not from having money - but from knowing your ability and worthiness to earn it, no matter what.

Underneath your fear is a deeply buried perception about who you are, what you are capable of, the value you have to offer and how worthy you are of love. 

When you do the work to free yourself of these perceptions, you free yourself of your fears and concerns and you experience true financial freedom of your true self. 

You know without doubt who you are, the incredible value you have to offer and your worthiness of love regardless of your achievements or bank balance. 

From that deep unshakeable knowing, you feel more confident in sharing your value with the world, you show up more authentically, you speak your truth, and you make a bigger difference in the world.

And guess what all that leads to?

More money. 


Aimee Charlene x X x


How To Overcome Fear of Failure